The man, deputy director of the Worker's Hospital Medical Department, became even more pleased upon hearing this. He looked around and smiled: "Look, this is a factory child cultivated by our own factory!" He then said to Li Yuan: "So you came back after graduating from vocational school, right The factory is our workers' home! You have been practicing under Dr. Zhao, and Dr. Zhao said that you are diligent and studious, making rapid progress. You must continue to work hard in the future. Congratulations, Li Yuan, you passed the assessment today and officially became a doctor in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of our Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill Hospital.",For example, in front of the counters selling silk for cheongsams and leather shoes in Beijing's department stores, there were always customers.,In my past life, I was overwhelmed with stress and responsibilities. I had no time to appreciate the little things in life.。